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Conservator Will Be Held Accountable for Depleting Elderly Woman's Life Savings July 6, 2021- Middletown Connecticut FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Judge Cesar Noble of the Hartford Superior Court issued a decision in consolidated probate appeals for 77 year-old Ruth Strong,that holds her former conservator, Attorney Lisa Foy, accountable for failing to spend down Strong's savings in a way that would have sheltered them, and for exposing Strong to liability for an unpaid bill to the nursing home. |
Statement of Connecticut Legal Rights Project in Response to Recent Policy Proposals to Address Gun Violence, Mass Shootings and the Opioid Epidemic August 7, 2019 - The recent response of some policy makers to blame gun violence, particularly mass shootings, on "mentally ill monsters" and to propose reforms to mental health laws "to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence," and to "make sure those people not only get treatment but when necessary, involuntary confinement" is not only misguided, because it will not effectively address the root causes of gun violence, but also represents a dangerous intrusion on the civil rights and civil liberties of people living with mental health conditions ... [ more ] |
The State’s Probate Courts Need to Be Fixed. Here’s How. Jul 12, 2019 - By Tom Behrendt and Sally Zanger - Special to Hartford Courant - A conservator stole money from her elderly and disabled clients and was prosecuted and sentenced in federal court. Connecticut Probate Administrator Paul Knierim stated that the incident was unfortunate but that safeguards are in place. Judge Knierim suggested that such abuses are rare. These reported abuses are the tip of an iceberg. The safeguards he referred to do not address the problems ... [ more ] |
PTSD Bill Sparks Frank Discussion of Mental Health on the Senate Floor May 30, 2019 - by Daniela Altimari, Hartford Courant - A bill to address post-traumatic stress disorder among police officers and firefighters sparked an emotional debate on mental health at the Capitol Wednesday night. The measure passed the Senate Thursday after additional negotiating over an amendment to include certain medical responders in the legislation ... [ more ] |
Man Wins Court Battle But May Get Shocked Anyway May 30, 2019 - by Daniel Tepfer, CT Post - BRIDGEPORT - A local man fighting a court order forcing him to undergo shock therapy won a major battle Thursday — but may have lost the war. Over the objections of the state attorney general’s office, Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis Thursday afternoon agreed to hear the 26-year-old man’s appeal of a Probate Court ruling ... [ more ] |
Man Fights Shock Therapy Order May 28, 2019 - by Daniel Tepfer, CT Post - BRIDGEPORT - A local man is fighting a court order forcing him to undergo shock therapy. “This shouldn’t be happening in the state of Connecticut where they can strap you down and do something to you that can cause a person brain damage,” said Virginia Teixeira, a lawyer for the Connecticut Legal Rights Project ... [ more ] |
Anyway You Slice It: Connecticut's State Budget Pie March 15, 2019 - Fixed costs represent more than half of the expenses in the CT budget. Sincefixed costs go up every year, if the pie stays the same size, it will eventually look like this ... [ more ] |
CLRP Response to Recent "Grading the States" Report from the Treatment Advocacy Center September 25, 2018 - Today, CLRP responded to the "Grading the States" Report issued from the Treatment Advocacy Center ... [ more ] |
Understanding DMHAS Legal Services - Fall 2018 October 25, 2018 - Since 1990, Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., a non profit law firm, has provided legal services to DMHAS-eligible clients. We do not work for DMHAS. We represent our clients. We are funded by the DMHAS Legal Services Line Item ... [ more ] |
Birdies For Charity Interview with Renee DiNino June 22, 2022- Executive Director Kathy Flaherty met with Renee DiNino of iHeartRadio to talk about the work... [ more ] |
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 351, Silver Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(877) 402-2299 - Toll Free
(860) 262-5030 - Outside CT
(860) 262-5035 - Fax
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., (CLRP) is a statewide non-profit agency which provides legal services to low income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights.
all materials copyright ©2025
Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc.